We invite you to become a member! Membership is open to anyone who has interest in the society. Scholars, pastors, students, and lay members are all welcome to join. All members receive the Wesleyan Theological Journal, published twice-yearly. Please click here for membership renewal.
Annual Membership dues are as follows:
Full Member
Full Membership is available to anyone desiring to a part of the society.
annual income 42k and above $41.00
annual income 22k-41k $36.00
annual income below 22k $31.00
Student Member
Student membership is available to anyone currently enrolled in a college or university program of study at the bachelor's level or higher.
Student Membership Rate $11.00
Retired Member
Retired membership is available to anyone retired from full-time employment
Retired Membership Rate $16.00
Honorary Member
Honorary membership is granted free of charge to those retired from full-time employment who were active in the membership of the society for at least 20 consecutive years prior to retirement.
Institutional Membership
Institutional Membership Rate $42.00
Individual Membership
Click here to complete the online Membership Form and submit. Completion of the form is required both for new members and those renewing their membership. Submit payment via the link to complete the membership process.
Institutional Membership
If you are an institutional member, complete the online Institutional Membership Form by clicking here. Within one business week you will receive and email confirmation and a link to the online payment service.