Society Awards

Awards Of The Wesleyan Theological Society

Awards of the society are given each year at the annual meeting. Nominations for awards are accepted from members of the society and chosen by committees selected by the Executive Committee. If you would like to nominate someone for an award, please click on the link and submit the nomination via email to

Outstanding Dissertation Award

This award is given to the individual whose doctoral dissertation is deemed an outstanding scholarly contribution to a research area related to the Wesleyan/Holiness tradition. The Wesleyan Theological Society grants this award periodically to recognize scholarship that contributes to concerns and issues that it deems are of great importance.

Guidelines for submission, and an explanation of the process are available at this link: Outstanding Dissertation Award.

Pastor-Preacher-Scholar Award

This award is given to individual(s) whose service is deemed an outstanding example of Wesleyan/Holiness ministry. The Wesleyan Theological Society grants this award periodically to recognize individuals who embody the virtues associated with excellence in Christian leadership in the Wesleyan/Holiness tradition.

Guidelines for submission, and an explanation of the process are available at this link: Pastor-Preacher-Scholar Award.

Timothy L. Smith and Mildred Bangs Wynkoop Book Award

The Wesleyan Theological Society presents a book award annually in honor of the outstanding scholarly contributions of historian Timothy L. Smith and theologian Mildred Bangs Wynkoop. This award recognizes recent publication of distinction in a research area related to the Wesleyan/Holiness tradition. Each book honored is judged to have helped the Wesleyan/Holiness tradition to be better understood and/or promoted.

Guidelines for submission, an explanation of the process, and a list of past winners is available at this link: Smith/Wynkoop Book Award.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Wesleyan Theological Society annualy presents the Lifetime Achievement Award to honor career achievements in Wesleyan/Holiness Scholarship and service to the society. Guidelines for nomination for this award are available at this link: Lifetime Achievement Award.