Wesleyan Theological Journal 32,2, 1997
Table of Contents
- Knight, Henry H., III, Worship and Sanctification
- Pearson, Sharon Clark, Sacred Songs / Sacred Service
- Parkes, William, Watchnight, Covenant Service, and the Love-Feast in Early British Methodism
- Ruth, Lester, Little Heaven Below: The Love Feast and Lord's Supper in Early American Methodism
- Reed, Rodney L., Worship, Relevance, and the Poor in the Holiness Movement, 1880-1910
- Sanders, Cheryl J., African-American Worship in the Pentecostal and Holiness Movements
- Hoskins, Steven T., Wesleyan-Holiness Movement In Search Of Liturgical Identity, The
- Hohenstein, Charles R., "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi": Cautionary Notes
- Alexander, Estrelda Y., Liturgy in Non-Liturgical Holiness-Pentecostalism
- Stiles, Kenton M., In The Beauty Of Holiness: Wesleyan Theology, Worship, and the Aesthetic
- Callen, Barry L., In Honor of William Melvin Arnett and Charles W. Carter
- Rightmire, R. David, Book Review: Origins of the Salvation Army (Norman H. Murcoch)
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Biographical Dict. Methodist Missionaries Japan: 1873-1993 (Krummel)
- Tickle, Andrew, Book Review: Piety and Tolerance 1700-1850 (Stephen L. Longenecker)
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Ou Ao os passos de milhares (Emilio J. M. de Carvalho)
- Stanley, John E., Book Review: The Moral Vision of the New Testament (Richard B. Hays)