Wesleyan Theological Journal 35,1, 2000
Table of Contents
- Callen, Barry L., Editor's Notes
- Strong, Douglas M., Presidential Address: Sanctified Eccentricity: Relevance 19th Cent. Holiness Paradigm
- Meeks, M. Douglas, Wesleyan Theology in a Postmodern Era: The Spirit of Life in an Age of the Nihil
- Spaulding, Henry W., II, Good Conscience or Good Confidence: A Postmodern Re-Thinking of Ethical Reflection
- Collins, Kenneth J., Recent Trends in Wesley Studies and Wesleyan/Holiness Scholarship
- Maddox, Randy L., Prelude to a Dialogue: A Response to Kenneth Collins
- Meadows, Philip R., "Candidates for Heaven": Wesleyan Resources for a Theology of Religions
- Gunter, W. Stephen, Personal and Spiritual Knowledge: Polanyian and Wesleyan Epistemology
- Stone, Bryan, Theology and Film in Postmodern Culture: Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction
- Creasman, Ron, Loss of Metanarrative: Resources for Formulating a Wesleyan Response, The
- Leclerc, Diane, Two Women Speaking "Woman": Stategic Essentialism of Irigaray and Palmer
- Thompson, Richard P., Community in Conversation: Multiple Readings of Scripture . . . of the Church
- Oord, Thomas J., Postmodern Wesleyan Philosophy and David Ray Griffin's Postmodern Vision, A
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Inskip, McDonald, Fowler: Early Leaders Camp Meeting (K. O. Brown)
- Strege, Merle D., Book Review: Daniel Warner & Religious Democracy in 19th-Century America (Fudge)
- Whidden, Woodrow W., Book Review: Millennial Fever and the End of the World (George R. Knight)*
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Ein Glaube, viele Kirchen . . . (Jürgen Tilbusek)
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Christianity Made in Japan: . . . Indigenous Movements (Mark R. Mullins)