Wesleyan Theological Journal 38,2, 2003
Table of Contents
- Callen, Barry L., Editor's Notes
- Blevins, Dean G., Wesleyan View of the Liturgical Construction of the Self, A
- Ury, M. William, Wesleyan Concept of "Person", A
- Pinnock, Clark H., Beauty of God: John Wesley's Reform and Its Aftermath, The
- Sanders, John, Open Theism": A Radical Revision or Miniscule Modification of Arminianism
- King, Rob, Eastern Patristic Spirit-Christology for Contemporary Wesleyan Faith Practice
- Schlimm, Matthew R., Puzzle of Perfection: Growth in John Wesley's Doctrine Of Perfection, The
- Tyson, John R., Christian Liberty as Full Redemption: Charles Wesley's Approach
- Maddox, Randy L., Collection of Books Owned by the Charles Wesley Family, The
- Greathouse, William M., Sanctification and the Christus Victor Motif in Wesleyan Theology
- Anderson, E. Byron, Day of New Beginnings: Wesleyan Theologies of the New Birth, 1780 and 1989
- Bundy, David, Tri-Centenary of John Wesley's Birth, Conference in Nassau, The Bahamas 2003
- Wesleyan Theological Society, Charles Edwin Jones: Lifetime Achievement Award, 2003
- Gunter, W. Stephen, Book Review: Wesley and the Wesleyans, Religion and 18th-Century Britain (J. Kent)
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Theological Education: Church Growth Free Methodist (Henry Church)
- Kostlevy, W. & Patzwald, G-A, Book Review: Holy Boldness: Women Preachers' Autobiographies (S. C. Stanley)
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Free Methodist and Other Missions in Zimbabwe (Tilman A. Hauser)