Wesleyan Theological Journal 39,2, 2004
Table of Contents
- Wright, John W., Nicea and Christology in the Book of Revelation
- Oakes, Kenneth, Temporality as Rupture and Remainder: Wesley, Pinnock, and St. Thomas
- Blevins, Dean G., “Holy Church, Holy People": Wesleyan Congregational Holiness & Personal Testament
- Meadows, Philip R., Methodist Society as the New Creation
- Clapper, Gregory S., Wesley's "Main Doctrines" & Spiritual Formation & Teaching in the Wesleyan Tradition
- Snyder, Howard A., B. T. Roberts' Early Critique of Methodism
- Wood, Timothy L., Parting Ways: The Separatist Impulse in the Theology Of Orange Scott
- Scott, B. Lewis, William J. Seymour: Follower of the "Evening Light"
- Price, James Matthew, H. Orton Wiley-Dominant Images from the Life of a Holiness Educator
- Severson, Eric R., Absence Transformed: The Eucharistic Site of Christian Theology
- Short, Chad, Wesleyan Theology and the Postmodern Quest for Meaning and Identity
- Keen, Craig, Tribute to H. Ray Dunning
- Ingersol, Stan, Smith-Wynkoop Award 2004: Floyd Cunningham Holiness Abroad: Nazarenes in Asia
- Ward, Patricia A., Mapping Traditions of Methodism, Holiness, & Pentecostal Movements: Reply to Bundy
- Bundy, David, Visions of Historiography: Response to Patricia A. Ward
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Itinerant Temples: Tent Methodism, 1814-1832 (John K. Lander)
- Bundy, David, Book Review: Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon (McCracken & Blodgett)
- Snyder, Howard A., Book Review: A Future with a History: Wesleyan Witness of Free Methodist (McKenna)
- Spaulding, Henry W., II, Book Review: Being Reconciled: Ontology and Pardon (John Milbank)
- Spaulding, Henry W., II, Book Review: Speech and Theology: Language and Incarnation (James K. A. Smith)
- Shelton, W. Brian, Book Review: Notes on the Holiness of God (David Willis)