Wesleyan Theological Journal 40,2, 2005

Table of Contents

  • Callen, Barry L., Editor's Notes
  • Warner, Laceye, Evangelistic Ministries of Three Women in Southern Methodism
  • Snyder, Howard A., Holiness Heritage: The Case of Pandita Ramabai
  • Collins, Kenneth J., Real Christianity: Integrating Theme in Wesley's Soteriology: Critique of a Modern Myth
  • Guyette, Fred, Jesus: Prophet, Priest, and King--John Wesley and the Renewal of Ancient Tradition
  • Tyson, John R., John Wesley's Critique of Liberal Democracy
  • Ingersol, Stan, Strange Bedfellows: Nazarenes and Fundamentalism
  • Strong, Douglas M., Henry Clay Morrison & Transformation of the Holiness Movement Within Methodism
  • Dunning, H. Ray, Toward a Personal Paradigm for the Atonement
  • Gallien, Louis B., Jr., Quest for Wesleyan Perfection in Campus Revivals at Oberlin and Wheaton
  • King, Paul L., Seek Not, Forbid Not: Early Christian and Missionary Alliance Position on Glossolalia
  • Hamilton, Barry W., Eternal Sonship" Controversy in Early British Methodism
  • Walker, Maxine, John Wesley and T. S. Eliot Dialogue on Christianity and Culture
  • Oord, Thomas Jay, Smith-Wynkoop Award 2005: Samuel M. Powell's Participating in God
  • Clapper, Gregory S., Book Review: John Wesley's Moral Theology: Quest for God & Goodness (D. S. Long)
  • Hamm, Thomas D., Book Review: A. J. Tomlinson: Plainfolk Modernist (R. G. Robins)

